The will you need, at the price you want.
Everyone is unique, but we can make sure you have the right will for an affordable price.
Get started with your will in three easy steps.
Choose a time convenient for you, and book an appointment directly with one of Alawco’s experts.
We will give you a call, talk you through the process and gather the information we need from you.
Once we know you are happy with what your will says, we will send it to you for signature. Once it is signed and witnessed, it will be legally binding. You can then put it away somewhere safe and move on!
Thinking ahead.
Preparing a will doesn’t need to be expensive, it can be as simple or complex as your circumstances demand.
Not leaving a will causes uncertainty, delay and expense. Without a will your estate will be decided under Intestacy Rules, which may not be as you expect or as you wish. For example, unmarried partners will not normally inherit under those rules.
If you already have a will, remember that it may need updating depending on your circumstances, for example after a marriage or divorce.
Will Types
A Basic Will covers you as an individual and will provide precise instructions as to who or what will inherit your estate.
It can also make clear your wishes regarding the care of your children or pets, as well as detail any funeral wishes you might have.
Mirror wills cover a couple (either married or unmarried) who have similar wishes as to what they want written in their will.
They are mostly identical in their instructions, apart from the names and possibly specific wishes regarding funerals.
If you think you might have more complicated situation than would covered by a Basic Will, get in touch.
We can help you decide whether you might need to create a Complex Will, and will give you a firm quote before you commit to anything.